Today I´m going to talk about how you can leverage your game and grow a tech channel as a noob YouTuber.
Although there are many different things you can try to get started as a YouTuber I´m going to talk about how you can go from zero to a hundred if you want to get your Tech Videos on the map!
So… let´s begin.
1. Trending Tech Basics
Being on the trench at all times is important when it comes to delivering the latest content to your audience.
That´s why I want to talk about some basics you should try in order to always get the newest technology advancements of any given industry you want.
Whether you are interested in tablets,
First things first, try both, the offline and online route if you want to get the little known secrets.
Go to showrooms and conferences as well as any sort of event that gathers some of the smallest and medium companies that are actively developing the products we are going to use in the next few years.
For example:
- TechRadar – This one is a great site where you can find where are the next few top tech conferences being held. Whether is B2B or B2C type of events you don´t want to miss out of what´s being shared. Here´s a good example: Guide For B2B Events On 2019.
- EmTech Asia – This event reunites some of the most influential leaders and innovators of the world where they share the emerging technologies that will change the world.
- CES Tech – Through the Consumer Technology Association you can get to Las Vegas and listen to great speakers talk about Digital Health, 3D printing, Self-Driving cars, and more!
And that´s just to name a few. Find one that is near your location and get to know what are the latest developments within your core industry.
Now, if you prefer to take the online route don´t worry, I got you.
One great method you can apply right from the start to stay on top of things at all times is to leverage your game by using Google Trends.
You can get some interesting keywords if you learn how to use it right and be on your way to make a great video that you´ll already know is going to get people´s attention.
I would highly suggest going outhere and trying to find the latest gadget BUT going the online route also pays off if done well.
Here are a few best practices:
- Use google alerts to find keywords that are related to your niche or area of expertise so that you can monitor the internet each and every day for new review opportunities.
- Follow a few of the top tech magazines like Wired or PCMag which cover all of the latest trends and innovations that affect our day to day lives. There a lot of great examples you can find online, just do a quick search: “Top Tech Magazines”.
- Search for top bloggers within your industry and get to know their stuff in order to translate it to video as well. Believe or not there are tons of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered and many great bloggers that do a good job at writing content but don´t do the work of uploading a video on the same topic.
2. Originality Over Anything Else!
You don´t need to reinvent the wheel, that is not what I´m talking about, you just have to find a few different ways to
For example, adding some videos that feature an interview with an expert of that industry could add some value to your channel.
Another way could be simply getting a number of people to try the products and get back to you on what they think about it, on a video format of course. A collective testimonial kind of thing. 🤔
Maybe doing a day in the life type video while you use the app/product/gadget over a day or a week.
It could be anything you could think of!
As long as it
Creativeness is a big deal when it comes to differentiation over your competitors. One common sense way to do that is by being yourself.
I know you´ve probably heard it a million times before, but that is because it´s the truth!
Nobody else can be YOU, so being yourself pays off, now that doesn´t mean you can´t peform a little bit or rearrange the way you say or do things, but on an overall look it has to be “you”.
3. Play To Your Strengths
Do not try to be someone outside of what your strengths are. But play to what your strengths are. I don´t do a lot mobile phone reviews, I don´t really talk about droids or anything like that. I play to the strengths of being a video creator, a video influencer, having a long history in video production…
Sean Cannell – Think Media.
So, you should ask yourself, what are your strengths?
Are you good at talking about certain specific gears because you´ve used it so much in the past? Are you comfortable with vlogging? Do you like to interview other people more than talking about yourself?
Then, you can build your own tech channel around that!
The point is to be aware of what you are already good at or that you´re
First off, it will be easier for you to make a video that way, and secondly it will show how enthusiastic and energized you feel and talk about that tech if you actually love to use it yourself.
4. Embrace The Long Run
You have to be patience and don´t expect much at first.
Even the best YouTubers out there, the ones that you admire and have hundreds of thousands of subcribers if not millions started at ten subs.
Friends and family are a great way to get some leverage and have those first early subscibers or just to not be simply at zero.
You NEED to keep in mind that it will take time, you have to put in the grind first in order to get the fruit later. It is a marathon, not a sprint.
Embrace it as it is, keep hustling, give as much value as you can, focus on making good quality videos, and let the chips fall into place.
“Always the stairs, never the escalator.” – Casey Neistat
It is a competitive niche and the ones that actually succeed are the ones that presist and really care about what they are doing… and it shows.
5. Build Brand Awareness
You MUST work on your brand, a solid logo or avatar, and the overall aestetic of your channel should stand out by being unique and different compared to your competitors.
Make your branding as professional as possible as it will make your viewers easy to remember you.
Now, here are a few tips and tricks you can implement to get your branding in place.
- First of all, you NEED a logo, the simpler the better. One or two colors is what the current trends are demanding.
- Choose your fonts. Generally speaking, two fonts is the ideal number, one is your main branding font and the other is the secondary font you use for most of website/thumbnails.
- Develop a color palette that is unique to you and speaks a lot about your message.
- Consistency is the name of the game! You have to be consistent when using the same elements all over your social media, site, YouTube channel.
That´s it! The point is to make people easier for them to remember YOU every time they look at one of your videos on their YouTube feed.
6. Start Small & Focus
You should start by niching down your entire channel, as the old saying goes: if you try to reach everybody you´ll end up reaching nobody.
Do not make a general, all kind of topics type of channel, niche down. People will appreciate it.
If you focus on one part of your whole industry at first you will find is a great way to maximize attention and get known as the “iPhone reviewer” or something of that sort in the eyes of
Here are a few good product examples you can take advantage from:
- Point and shoot camera reviews.
- Android phone reviews.
- Drone reviews and tech characteristics.
- Mac & Window laptop
accesories .
There are so many things you can build your entire brand around.
Creating a set of great videos that talk about the exact same type of gear makes it easy for your audience to get to know you and identify your channel at first when nobody has ever heard from you.
If you combine this with the rest of the tips I´ve leid out here you´ll get an effective formula for YouTube success!
7. Leverage With SEO
Another great way to get known as a newbie is by taking advantage of SEO.
In case you´ve never heard of it, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization aka how to be found on search engines like Google or YouTube.
If you gain one of the first three to four videos on the search results whenever someone types “How to Film With a Canon Camera” you are likely to get a good
Here´s how:
Find low competition keywords and create content towards those searches.
What are those? Simple! Longer keywords, more specific ones that deal with just one topic.
If you try to rank for “How to Vlog” you´ll simply end up compiting with bigger YouTubers and your video will sunk.
Also, don´t overestimate right tagging, a good customized thumbnail design, and crafting a good description. It can make or break your videos.
8. Establish a Consistent Schedule
It is KEY that you communicate to your audience that you take this seriously, and there´s no better way to do just that by showing up evey single week and do your very best with each video you make.
Although making good quality videos is very important to build a loyal fan base, quantity and consistency are what will make your viewers come back to your channel over and over.
On the other hand, it´s necessary that you build a good video library where content spreads out in order to take different aspects of the same topic/industry.
Most pro YouTubers say once a week should be your minimum if you want to grow on the platform. Although, some of them agree that uploading videos two to three per week leads to faster growth.
I would have to say I agree in that regard.
The more content you make the better chances you have to be found and the faster you build your brand. It´s a
9. Hustle, Hustle, Hustle!
There´s a lot of cool things that come with being a Tech YouTuber, from getting free stuff to getting paid to do what you love and earning a full-time income all by yourself!
So, it´s not a surprise that you HAVE TO get a good amount of hustle in before you even see any sort of results whatsoever.
Being a YouTuber takes a lot of time and effort, also it comes with a learning curve that you cannot avoid going through nowadays, specially in the Tech reviewing niche.
There are tons of channels already doing a good job at it so you must follow the tips describes above and put as much time as possible in order to get better.
My advice?
You´ll be better of if you start with it as a hobby/side hustle that you want to, eventually, master.
“Great Things Come To Those Who Hustle” – Anonymus
Related Questions
How to get free tech products to review? Your first step should be to pick a niche and focus on that so that the companies that you want to work with can relate to your content, and second you´ll get into LinkedIn and search for the companies that you are most interested in and see who the social media manager is, if you found their Twitter account, JACKPOT! Contact them and be respectful at all times, you´ll be amazed of how powerful this actually is.
What are some good tech channel ideas? The first rule to create great tech videos and get some good ideas is simple, INNOVATE! By focusing on a single topic that is not so common you can find a number of different gadgets to review, one good example would be Virtual Reality gadgets or Home Robotics.