How To Start a Drawing YouTube Channel

Let´s talk about how you can start your own drawing YouTube channel and succeed as a content creator on the platform.

Drawing is one of those skills, as well as singing or learning how to play guitar, that is very popular and people would LOVE to be able to do as they are so liberating and nurturing to the human experience.

So, if you want to be known as a reference within this beautiful artistic niche then consider starting your YouTube channel right away following some of the next tips I´ll share with you.

Let´s begin!

1. Get Found, Niche Down

If you want to get discovered on the platform and that people are easily able to recognize your channel then you should go specific, at first.

This means that instead of just drawing any sort of things that comes to mind you could go specific and focus on Anime, let´s say, and start niching down so that people are able to easily recognize you and your work.

After a while, and making enough videos that start to get some views you can slowly transition into different types of content that you are interested in within drawing.

There are many benefits from niching down and going specific when getting started as a YouTuber:

  • You´ll differentiate yourself from the rest of the creators as everybody tries to make their channels about pretty much everything and nothing in particular when starting out.
  • You can start by aiming at specific searches people make on the platform and conquer long-tail keywords that are underserved, here´s an example for you to understand what I mean by this:
You can find tons of opportunities like this where the competition is not as high as broader, more obvious searches.
  • The deeper you get at your craft the more people will like your content as you´ll offer a way to go from beginner to advanced as you make progress on your art your followers will too!

2. Get Inspired By Top Creators

Now, in case you are still on that stage of “not knowing” exactly what you want to do with your channel then I would suggest you to start paying close attention to other YouTubers.

Don´t watch their videos, analyze them, see exactly what they are doing, write down ideas as you go, steal some, combine some, and craft something of your own.

Getting inspiration from others is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to get started as an artist.

Whether you want to teach others how to draw like Draw With Jazza or you want to share some of your stories through cartoons and animations series like Domics, getting inspiration from other content creators is one of the greatest ways to get your own creative juices flowing.

In fact.

There´s something in particular that you can do when it comes to inspiring yourself from what others have done in the past, but I´m going to talk about that when talking about YouTube SEO, so keep reading.

On the other hand, getting video ideas for your own channel can be the first step you can take when looking for inspiration on other creators, like showing your reaction on your first drawings when you got started at this or teaching people how to turn their art into a business, as Jazza did:

There are tons of other great examples you can look into, these are just a few to get started with but I would highly recommend you that you do your own search so that you can find those particular creators that you can best relate to. 😏

3. Document The Journey

You´ll be able not only to create more but also meaningful content that actually provides value to people as you´ll show your struggles and an unfiltered way of developing your art step by step.

There´s a power behind showing your vulnerable side of how you do things, people that are brave enough to show that and make something that helps others around that type of content are very successful.

People crave for that type of content, that´s why they come to YouTube in the first place and don´t want to learn how to draw in a business-like institutionalize environment.

They want someone REAL that teaches to them, someone that has also shared their struggles when getting started and shows how to overcome the pitfalls of learning this beautiful skill.

If you check out the example I´ve previously shared about the Draw With Jazza channel where he has a video talking about the business side of doing art then you´ll see that he features GaryVee, a very successful entrepreneur that has grown a massive following sharing his advice on how to take advantage of today´s social media-driven and content-based world.

One of the things that this man (successfully and relentlessly) preaches is to start documenting instead of creating.

Being real and authentic instead of creating very polished content is much more important in today´s world than anything else, more so if you have a long-term plan for your artistic career.

People will trust you more, will like you more and will consume more of your content.

Plus, it is the surest and easiest way to produce MORE content and scale your business, which is the second most pushed message Gary tends to give.

In short:

Document the journey, share your mistakes, make live streams drawings, talk to your audience, do whatever it is that you are afraid to do because you are worried about what people may think.

4. Benefit From YouTube SEO

I usually mention SEO in most of my posts as it is such a great tool you can use to your advantage and benefit from if you know what you are doing.

In case you´ve never heard of it, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and refers to optimizing your content, in this case, videos, to better rank on search engines, such as Google or YouTube.

Now, particularly YouTube SEO has the exact same goal with the slight difference that video marketing and YouTube itself has its own way of promoting content that answers the viewer searches.

For example, one of the main differences with Google is that YouTube has a Homepage where shows a variety of channels that the viewer may be interested in, something that Google doesn´t.

Another key different are suggested videos, which work similar to the homepage video section, showing the viewer other channels and videos similar to what he´s been searching for previously.

So, how can YOU be the one that gets shown on those sections and gets promoted by the platform?

Let me tell you.

Use proven video ideas and make better versions.

This means that you´ll take a few different video ideas that have proven to work really well on the platform and/or some of the most popular videos of your favorite channels and create something similar although BETTER.

Here´s how:

  • Go to your favorite channel and click on “Videos”.
  • Then, sort by “Most Popular” and you´ll have (at least) 5 to 10 video ideas that are time-tested keywords that can work really well if you are able to create something similar in quality, if not better.

If you do just that with enough channel then you´ll have a full list that you can turn into whenever you want and get some inspiration from in order to make your next video.

5. Collaborate, The Right Way

Another smart way you can grow your YouTube channel is by collaborating with other content creators and expose your brand to other audiences that are similar to yours.

Now, there´s a wrong and a right way to do collaborations as a YouTube artist.

Let´s talk about what are some of the principles that make a good collaboration and how do they work, according to Youtube itself and other content creators.

  • YouTube Guidelines. The Creator Academy shares some great tips you can follow in order to make your collabs a sure success. From how to connect with potential partners to cross-promotion strategies you can use and how to turn viewers into subscribers. Check it out right here: Collaborations On YouTube.
  • Choose By Interest Not Subs. You shouldn´t choose your collaboration partner by the number of subs they have, it´s far better to select them by the similarity of audiences you share and how beneficial can be that both of you make something together to provide more value to your respective fans. That way results will speak for themselves.
  • Plan Ahead. If you are going to be the one that contacts the other person then you MUST plan ahead and have something already worked out so that you can make a serious proposition to the other party. You don´t want to be empty-handed in case the other person is actually interested in what you have to offer.

6. Increase Growth By Creating More

The quantity versus quality dilemma is an old one, whether you are thinking about YouTube or any other sort of platform out there.

Particularly content creators on YouTube usually worry way too much about this issue and they can´t decide if they should create videos on a daily basis or make something extraordinary and publish a new video every week.

The truth?

Both approaches can work, really well.

On one hand, you have great YouTubers and entrepreneurs like GaryVee or Evan Charmaicel, both of whom preach about creating MORE content in order to succeed online, and I agree.

In fact, here´s a great video where Evan talks about that:

And on the other hand, you have great content creators like Matt D´avella whose main approach is towards creating less but making something of superb quality, which makes it count each and every time.

He also found that you can grow a lot if you take the pressure off your shoulders and focus entirely on creating something really good and unique, at your own pace.

In case you didn´t you should check out his channel:

The bottom line?

You don´t want to sacrifice quality when creating content online, try to do the best you can with what you got BUT…

…the more you make the better and faster results you´ll get, that´s a reality.

Keep this in mind when trying to balance between quality and quantity and apply the strategies that can make your particular YouTuber experience work for the better.

7. More Views With SEO Playlists

As you can see I really love SEO and its many benefits.

Now, although the previous strategy I mentioned when talking about YouTube SEO is a pretty effective way to increase the exposure your content gets here´s another one you can easily apply and you won´t have to create something new to take advantage of it, at all.


You will create SEO Playlists!

Basically, you will rank playlists to get search traffic that you will create by using previous videos.

First, find related videos that could make a good playlist if you´d put them together as sort of an in-depth tutorial or every video you made about one particular topic, let´s say drawing faces for example.

Then, after you´ve created the playlist with those videos, which shouldn´t be more than 3 to 5 videos (the limit of what the average viewer usually watches when it comes to playlists), you´ll make sure to use the keyword that you want to be found for both on your playlist name as well as each and every video that you´ve used in it.

Like this example:

That way you´ll be able to rank more of your videos for bigger keywords that are related to your niche and you will get more views from search.

Final Thoughts

Growing a YouTube channel is always hard, it is not a fast process although you can experience explosive growth from time to time.

It does need a little bit of work to get it going and you will have to be patient before you are able to see ANY sort of result.

I hope this information has helped you start and/or grow your drawing YouTube channel.

If you have any doubts or you want to get more knowledge about this sort of stuff then check out some of my other posts, it´s FREE.

Have a nice one!

Matt Porta.

Matias Porta

Web developer and YouTuber. I run a few different sites that provide value to lots of different people and I´m currently making videos for my third YouTube channel, which is why I decided to create this site to share some of my best tips.

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