Today I´m going to talk about what are some GOOD YouTube video ideas for kids!
Although there are probably hundreds (if not thousands) of great ideas for YouTube videos that kids can make here are a few that are proven to be quite effective when it comes to viewer engagement.
Let´s start!
1. ¡Your FIRST Video!
Your first video ever can be one of your most watched videos if done right.
This is when you introduce yourself and let the viewer get to know you a bit more.
In fact, it can easily be your channel trailer video and help you get a few more subscribers in the process!
2. Gaming Challenges
You can test your abilities by playing video games with your friends and compete among each other.
It can be a great way to make funny videos that entertain your audience as well as your friends!
There a ton of examples of YouTubers doing just this, in fact, it´s a great idea you can suggest to make a collaboration type of video too.
3. Prank a Friend
Another good one is that you make a plan to prank a friend or family member to capture the moment on video.
You can also try it with people on the street, make sure to be safe when you do it, you can make some of your other friends a part of your plan if you want to
4. ¡How-to Pets!
Whether is teaching how to feed your dog or cat, how to brush their hair, what´s your routine with your pet, or simply an entertaining video of your puppy sleeping with you, all can be easily turn into a viral video.
How-to videos are highly engaging and one of the most popular type of videos on the platform, and on the other hand, videos about pet are also a great source of entertainment for viewers.
So, combining both sounds pretty much a done deal!
5. Start a Vlog
Yep! You can take your camera to school, or a field trip, share more about how you´ve acquired some of your video games, or whatever you think it can be interesting or that you want to share.
You just need to make sure that your videos are fun to watch, and you can easily do that by making short clips (not more than 1 minute or so long) and then compiling them together into one single piece of content.
6. Reviewing Kid Apps
This one is a good way to create content that is directly aimed to young viewers and that can be really useful.
You just need to take some time to do some research and find some of the best apps out there that have been made to help kids at school, or maybe to share and edit photos on Instagram, or whatever it may be.
Then, hit record on your phone and get ready to make an awesome video! 😉
7. Talk About Your Hobbies
As I´ve said before, sharing more about yourself makes your audience much easier to relate to you and to trust you.
If you want people to watch more of your videos, subscribe to your channel, and do whatever it is that you want them to do then sharing more about yourself takes a bit closer to that goal.
By sharing more about your own hobbies and likes, and encouraging your viewers to share more about theirs in the comment section you help to create more engagement and therefore increase your trustworthiness.
8. Make a Home Tour
Another one that serves GOOD as a vlogging type of video, make your viewers part of your daily routine by showing up where you live, how does your house look like.
Now, if you don´t want to necessarily show your entire house to the world you can at least show some of your room or studio setup.
The goal is to build a bond with your viewers by sharing more intimate content.
9. Build a Treehouse
This is a great idea!
If you were thinking of building a treehouse, a fort, or anything like that, you can film a video about it.
In fact.
You can easily make a time lapse of how things went while building the treehouse, and slow down the pace from time to time so you can share how things are going, what are the struggles you are dealing with, and maybe a couple of tips for those who want to make one themselves.
10. Do a Q&A Video
This is one of the most underestimated type of videos out there.
Remember! There is a person on the other side of the screen, you can directly answer their questions if you take the time to do a Q & A video where you choose a set of “most frequently asked” questions you can answer.
That way you´ll be able to address your fans concerns about you and your content which will make you more relatable and will help to build a trusting relationship with them.
So, if you want to make this your career then consider doing a Q and A at least once.
11. Share Your Dreams
As you probably heard of kids are the future, and part of that is due to the fact that they´re young and have their entire life ahead.
So, sharing some of those dreams or goals you want to accomplish one day when you grow up will ensure that your audience relates to you and maybe even share theirs.
This is one great way to make them talk in the comment section, which creates a stronger bond with your fanbase, and also increase your possibilities of rankings as comments are a strong engagement signal for YouTube. 😉
12. Talk About Struggles
Now, you shouldn´t be sharing only positive things and as if everything was perfect, that is not real and people can´t relate to that.
If you want to build a long term relationship with your fans you should share some of struggles, although that doesn´t necessarily mean that it has to be a present situation, it can be something you´ve experienced in the past.
The goal is to show you as a normal person, not a YouTube star that only lives in fantasy land.
13. Make Money As a Kid
You´ve probably noticed that queries like “make money online” or “how to make money with a youtube channel” are popular searches, right?
Well, when it comes to kids there´s almost NO difference!
There are ton of teens and little kids that want to learn how to make more money and you can be the one to teach them.
Now, you don´t need to portait yourself as an expert, you can just do your own research, think of ways you´ve made money in the past, ask your relatives, and gather out enough information to make a GOOD quality video.
14. Beauty Tips
If you know a few things that girls will appreciate when it comes to makeup or dressing then you should share your tips on your channel.
You can make a video about your own way of dressing up for school or to go out with friends, the goal is to share your own personal take being a kid.
Do not worry too much on making your video production top qualitiy just deliver great tips and information and your viewers will appreciate it.
15. How To Be a Kid YouTuber
There are more and more children that dream to become a famous YouTuber one day and you can be the one that can teach them.
If you share how you got started on the platform and teach about your experience as a young content creator there´ll be a ton of kids that will consume your videos without missing a single upload.
Learn how to do it yourself and then film a video about it, that´s it!
You´ll be able to take full advantage of your time and produce a good amount of content by documenting your own experiences and learning curve.
16. Choosing a Career
It might not sound fun but it´s 100% helpful!
If you are in that stage of your life or you´re simply courioused about it then you can make a video where you share your concerns and opinions, there´s a high percentage of teens that are likely to get very interested about what you have to say, as they are probably also going through the same issues.
You can make a tutorial video with good information on how to choose a career, maybe create a vlog type of video with you sharing some of your own struggles, etc.
17. Cooking Videos
An easy choice for those who like to help in the kitchen.
If you like to make cookies for breakfast or you´ve learned how to do some tasty dessert then share it online!
People LOVE to watch cooking and recipe videos, even if they don´t want to actually cook it themselves most people are entertained by watching others cook.
18. Introduce Yourself
One simple but great video I´ve talked about before, an introductory video.
You can make a video where you introduce yourself, what your channel is all about, and even customize it to make it your channel trailer!
You should make it short and sweet, say what you want to say without too many “hums” and “hams”, and let the viewer know what they´ll get if they subscribe to your channel.
19. Personal Take On Bullying
This is a GREAT video to make, you just have to be respectful about it and possibly ask an adult to help you out with a script or some bullet points of things to talk about.
Almost any type of information that can help someone that´s being bullyied will certainly make an impact and add another loyal viewer to your audience.
You should share your own experiences, if you want and are willing to, and talk about how you are trying (or already have) overcome it.
20. Make a Reaction Video
As adults we´ve seen a lot of things by the age of 30 but as a kid you haven´t seen that much, take advantage of that!
You can make funny videos by capturing your (and your friends) reactions to a certain video or tv show.
The more popular the topic the better reach you´ll get. You should make sure that there aren´t too many videos on the same subject.
21. Make Math Tuts
Finally, this one is a no brainer, right? I mean who hasn´t struggeled with a math problem before!
There are so many viewers that can relate to this and are going to LOVE a video where you talk about how to win at math.
Now, for getting this far reading the post I want to give you a few more ideas you can try on your channel and that have also been battle-tested by many great YouTubers.
For example, doing reviews of pretty much anything you may think be interesting to make a video about, challenge your friends or yourself, doing tag videos, or even compilations of some of your funniest bloopers.
Last but not least, how-to guides and list videos where you share a bunch of useful tips on something are two of the most successful types of content online whether you´re thinking of YouTube or Google.
Final Thoughts
There are way too many great potential ideas you can make a video about and get tons of viewers willing to subscribe to your channel.
That being said, most of the ones that I mentioned in this article are proven ways to get kids attention and get them to click and actually watch your content.
You should try to make things your own way and get creative with the process, you shouldn´t try to make everything perfect at first, you´ll get there gradually.
Keep in mind it takes time to get the hang of editing, filming, sound, lightning, etc.
Plus! Each and every YouTuber you like and admire started at ZERO subscribers.
I hope this information has helped you!
Matt Porta.