Today I´m going to talk about how to make comedy skits for YouTube and get raven fans that will love your videos in the process.
Now, although there is a lot of different things you can do to make a great skit (aka sketch) on YouTube there are a few principles you can follow in order to get your most creative ideas out and get going with your channel.
So, without much further adeu let´s start!
5 Most Popular YouTube Skits
As you may know, skits are, according to the dictionary at least, short comedy sketches.

These so-called piece of humorous writings are one of the most popular ways YouTube got started in the first place when the platform actually blew up back in 2006/7.
In fact.
There are 5 specific types of skits you can choose from and that you can easily find inspiration on the platform as they are extremely popular and can work just fine for almost ANY type of comedy YouTube channel.
(A little caveat – There are plenty more examples you can find but these are some of the most used ones.)
Here they are:
- Monologue – Probably one of the easiest ways to get started and build an audience from zero subscribers. You can turn an idea into a well-crafted (and edited) video where you place yourself as the main character and you act, perform, or simply talk about anything you want. What is distinctive about this type of content is that there is only one person involved.
- Parodies – You can specialize in making a series of parodies, they work great when it´s about some trending topic, an embarrassing recent moment a celebrity went through it´s a common example of this.
- Pranks – Another one simple, but yet highly effective, that involves other people is doing pranks. You can see that it usually makes great sketches for YouTube videos as viewers always love to laugh from others misfortune. You can easily build an entire channel on these type of content or just make a few videos, it´s up to you.
- Compilations – This one is kind of old but still works great, whether you are a brand new YouTubers or you are looking for an effective channel launch then repurposing other people´s videos is a great way to get started right away!
- Scene Drama – Finally, if you want to do something that is truly remarkable then you should for making series or short films that have high-quality both on video production and creativity. It usually involves more than one person, and it takes time and effort to make these types of sketches, as you´ll probably write a script, think of different camera shots, and plan your shooting beforehand. Examples of this are channels like Smosh or College Humor.
How To Steal Ideas, The Right Way
Once you´ve devoted some time to what type of comedy you want to make, found some inspiration in other YouTubers, and you have a plan in place you want to start writing down some GOOD ideas.
As you know, everything starts with an idea. So you want to be able to craft and handle a lot of them if you wish to create (and then maintain) a funny YouTube channel long-term.
Therefore, one of the first things you should be concerned about is how to come up with creative ideas on a daily basis so that you NEVER run out of good ideas to work with.
I´ve read a great book a few months back called “Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” from which I learned a lot and gathered a few key concepts that helped me a lot in my creative journey.

Here they are:
- Nothing comes from nothing – Nothing is 100% original. When people embrace this principle they can free the artist that is within themselves, do not comply with the pressure of being absolutely original, instead recognize the influence others might have in your work and embrace them to create something new out of that.
- A good collector – A good artist is also a good collector of ideas. The main goal is to become as selective as possible. The better the ideas that you have stored in your collections, the wider the spectrum that will influence him. Keep in mind that great ideas can generate other great ideas. You can take ideas from everywhere, whether that is movies, books, poems, people, stories, etc.
- Pen, Paper & Photographs – Finally, you want to be as effective as possible when you want to record something that you want to accurately remember later on. Use both your phone to record video, audio, or take a photo, and write down ideas on paper whenever you come up with an original thought.
3 Tips To Make Your Script Shine
Here are three AWESOME tips you can apply right away to make your scripts much more compelling and upgrade the quality of your videos.
Structure Your Script
Structure your video by starting off with a hook, then an intro, the middle, and finally wrapping up with a proper ending.
You can hear this same type of advice from a lot of top YouTubers, and the truth is that it works.
You should try to hook your viewer first thing in order to grab their attention, make it short and sweet. Then, you roll in the intro, that is when you show your logo and/or slogan, and just after that, the actual video starts.
The body content of your video (middle) is where you´ll unleash most of your creativity but having a proper script structure makes it easier to stick to a specific format which also contributes to the speed of your workflow.
Finally, use the end screen feature to wrap things up and show some bloopers on the left and recommend subscribing with the subscribe button and show “next video” options on the right so that you keep them watching more of your content. Like this:

Follow YouTube´s Advice
Another great tip to make both your scripts and overall performance way better is to consider your intention, construct a story, and practice your delivery. Which are ALL tips directly from YouTube!

You can find
So you might want to check out the Academy for Creators as it is a great way to get started.
If you are successful they are also as they´ll get to make more money from your videos. Keep that in mind!
Learn About Video Production
Last but not least, you should start learning more about proper video production and how you can take advantage of scripts in order to make your scenes and footage much better.
Here´s how:
The first step is to write your script as you want your shots to be recorded, for example, Alpha M. (a top YouTube with millions of subscribers) says he makes his scripts by writing short paragraphs or sentences he has to say in every shot.
Once he´s done with that he stops, make a mini rehearsel for the next bit, and records it, then moves to the next part until he´s finished.
Now, the second step is to learn about video framing, and how to properly edit your footage with the right software. You´ll find how incredibly helpful and powerful it can be to learn how to use it right.
How To Plan For Video
One of the last steps after you have a cool idea in mind and you´ve crafted a nice script is to make a plan for your shooting.
What do I mean by that?
Simple! You´ll want to plan ahead (or think about) where you want to shoot, what does your location look like and see if there´s anything you can do to improve it.
Then, you may want to design your look, what you ware matters as much, if not more, than your background.
Finally, you should think through about your camera settings, if you can shoot on a specific time of the day so that the lighting is more flattering, verify that the mics are working properly, and pretty much any other technical (or
Understanding YouTube´s Algorithm
I would say that the last step you want to make as a comedian on YouTube is to get into SEO and what are some of the most important factors when it comes to ranking on the platform.
So, in order to make this a set of actionable steps instead of a ton of interesting but useless information here are three things you can do to improve your video exposure right from the get go.
5 to 10 Proven Tags That Work!
Tags are one of those things most people don´t think that actually work to increase YouTube rankings but the truth is that they actually DO.
Now, the only problem that could have with them is that you use irrelevant tags or too may tags, those are the two main mistakes I see newbies make.
Here´s how to fix it:
- Only use RELEVANT Tags – You want to only use tags that are related to your main topic, don´t try to go overboard with this by adding any popular tag that you might think it can work. The simplest way to do this and make sure it works is by “stealing” from your competitors. First, think of possible tags that you want to rank for, the main keyword from your title will be just fine, then (using a tool like VidIQ) take a close look at your competitor’s tag, on videos that are related to yours, and take notes.
- Only use 5 to 10 Tags – Use between five and ten tags, maximum. The purpose of tags is to tell the algorithm what your video is all about, what are other relevant keywords you want to rank for, and what are some general and specific topics your videos talks about. That´s it! The more tags you use the less luckily you´ll rank for your main keyword as it will throw off YouTube from knowing what you want to rank for.
Optimize Your Title With SEO
You want to use a searchable phrase or keyword in order to be found on the platform.
If you are just starting out and you have less than a 1,000 subscribers you don´t want to rely solely on your friends and family from sharing your contnet on social media, right?
You want to be discovered, acknowledge if possible!
Okay then, the way you do it is by using keywords that people type on the search bar. The easiest way to do that is to type it yourself and see if anything comes up. Like this:

All of those are great options that are being search right now! 😉
Your Cool-Looking Thumbnail
Finally, if you want to succeed as comedian on YouTube you should be able to design a nice looking thumbnail in order to get potential viewers to click on your video.
Now, the way you do that is by using real people on your thumbnails, YOU are the first person they should look at, and then try to brand your Thumbnails.
Here´s how: try to use the same fonts when you use text on your design and apply the same color theme so that you make your videos recognazible, like a proper brand.