Okay, today I´m going to talk about how you can get started with some AWESOME skit ideas for YouTube and make people laugh like crazy.
Althoug this list is not meant to cover all posible ideas you can come up with, it is a way for you to start from somewhere.
So, if you want to learn how to become the next Smosh-like channel then keep reading…
1. The Monologue
This is your FIRST step.
Creating a monologue where you talk about any topic you want to talk about is a great way to get started but it can be also paralyzing, as there are way too many options to choose from.
That being said, it is the best way to unleash your creativity and show your personality, character, and your own perspective of how the world is.
The best part?
You´ll find it´s one of the most successful videos on YouTube as they are a UNIQUE type of content where creators share their point of view and try to have a laugh at what they´re thinking.
This one is a great example of this:
Although his just talking about chickens for the first two minutes the point that I want to make is that you could talk about anything, just try to write something that´s actually GOOD.
TIP! Showing your video to family and friends first might be a good idea.
2. Compilation Videos
Ridiculous moments of TV or media in general, as well as other YouTube videos, or your some of your own films make great material you can easily use to create funny compilations.
You can find countless amounts of footage online that can be used without infrincting copyright and make high-quality videos where you can narrate and add your own creativity to the mix.
Check out this example:

Although it is a channel with a good amount of subs the number of views this video collected in the last year has surpassed way more than 10x the subscriber count.
So, what does that tell you?
Simply that compilation videos are EXTREMELY popular on YouTube and that you should consider doing one yourself!
3. You Can Make Parodies
Another great way to use a proven format is creating a parody video.
You could make paroides about musi videos, songs, movie trailers, other YouTubers, funny characters, etc.
The goal is to get creative with it and try to make people laugh, don´t oversell it, just make something that resonates with your audience and with your own comedy style.
Here are a few examples to get inspired by:

It can seem a high production type of video but it doesn´t need to be!
In fact, if you make it with a low budget but you make sure that you imprint some creativity into it I can assure you it can result in something hilarious.
TIP! You can use Google Trends to catch the newest searches people make related to something in particular and be the first one to make a parody about any funny situation.
4. Scene Drama
If you are looking for funny short skit ideas but that are high-quality engaging videos then you don´t need to look anymore.
Some of the funniest clips you can encounter on YouTube are from big channles like Smosh or CollegeHumor, which specialize in, what I like to call, Scene Drama.
Now, this is when you probably want to find collaborators to help you with the shooting, writing an original script, finding talented people to act, and any other person you could think of to help you out.
If you want to make videos that get lots of shares, likes, and comments, and that have the potential to go viral then THIS is the right place to start.
5. The Funny Recipe
You can make faceless youtube videos that entertain a wide audience and makes people laugh while you have fun making super complicated recipes the wrong way!
You´ve probably seen those types of videos where people teach how to cook something, or how to follow the instruction of a specific recipe, BUT you haven´t seen too many videos where people totally screw up a recipe, haven´t you?
Then, YOU could be the first channel that devotes entire videos on teaching people how NOT to prepare a meal, what are some of the funniest mistakes people make when cooking something, etc.
You can come up with a bunch of great ideas to make a video on this topic, so it´s up to you to get creative with it, just make sure to have fun! 😉
6. Your Own Live Show
Here´s another effective way to get discovered: Live Streaming!
In fact.
YouTube itself has tried to promote live streams several times and even has an entire course devoted to

You can make your own podcast, a show where you tell jokes with friends, a way to interact with your viewers and make fun games, you can basically try out a lot of different things.
The point is that you use it as it is something avialable to you and it´s incredibly powerful in order to engage with your fans in a more authentic manner.
7. The Interviewer
This is one of my favorites as it is a great way to get people to interact with you so that you don´t need to create all the content yourself.
Yep! you can easily make a video that is mostly about what other people think about something.
Now, this type of video relies on the fact that you did a good job at crafting some funny and challenging questions like: “What is your signature dance move?” or “You are about to get into a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?”.
Your goal is to get people involved, by couragous to approach people on the street or wherever you want actually, and have fun.
The interviewer is a great way to get started if you are struggling to come up with new ideas as there´s always going to be funny questions to ask people around you and the endless number of answers they can give you.
8. Find a Haunted House
This is one of the BEST ideas for couples I´ve found!
You can take your love one and challenge he ir she to go into a haunted house, hospital, building with you and see what happens.
You can also get together with a few friends, family memebers, or any other person that might be interested, the scariest the better.
Now, you don´t want to actually scare people, you have to keep in mind that the goal is to make a funny video not a scary one. Take your funniest friend for a trip and don´t tell him where you are going.
9. Laugh At Yourself
You could do anything about this idea, it can be laughing at your own ridiculous insecurities or unjustified fears that people can relate to and laugh about.
You can find something about yourself that you cannot stop but you KNOW is pretty embarrassing or totally crazy, whether that is accumulating a huge amount of clothes that you never wear or the fact that you can´t stand when people talk too fast, or with a high pitch, or whatever it may be.
10. Make a Musical
If you like to sing or you want to get those hopes of becoming a rock star up then you should consider making a musical.
Funny songs are one of the oldest and more popular methods to make someone laugh.
You can easily combine both arts into one and make a memorable video that people will LOVE to share with their friends if they happen to find it funny enough.
Here´s how to make an effective musical comedy:
Choose a popular topic many people can relate to and that can easily generate buzz if done right.

Now, if you don´t want to make it yourself you can always make a great musical compilation! (Like that one 👆)
11. The Funny Explainer
You´ve seen those great looking explainer videos out there, right? Well, what would you think about doing a funny version of them?
Whether if you choose a funny topic you can make a “serious” explainer video about or that you select a serious subject to make a funny video about people will surely watch it.
You should keep in mind things like watch time and audience retention as those are two BIG ranking factors for YouTube, so make sure to create a long video (7 to 10 minutes long, if not more) and make it engaging, use on-screen graphs, good-looking transitions, and learn new editing skills if you can.
12. Show Off An Obscure Hobby
Another great way to make an interesting (not just funny) video were people get to know a little bit more about you and what you´re all about is by sharing some of your weirdest hobbies, likes, and preferences.
In fact, if you have anything that is remotely rare to share that says something about you then you should consider sharing it.
People can find it not only funny but also relatable as there are a lot of viewers that will have their own “weird” hobby/passion.
It not only makes an entertaining type of video but it also helps you to bond with your audience, which can result in building long lasting relationships.
13. Use Your Bloopers
Among all the comedy skit ideas you could come up with bloopers are one of the most effective ones you can think of.
Here´s why:
You could be making tons of great material on any topic or format but you can rest assured that you are 100% going to screw things up. I mean, you are human after all.
The best part is that you can take all of those funny (and not so funny, at least not for you!) clips and make a great compilation video without actually creating new material!
14. Of Course, ¡Pranks!
Yep, you can get a ridiculous amount of views by pranking people…

You just need to get creative with it, and you´ll do just fine.
There are way too many videos out there to compite with, and we are in the age of ATTENTION, that IS the main commodity to aim for.
So, if you want to be able to get to that level then you need to step up and not only get creative with your “pranking methods” but also learn how to properly capture it on video and edit it well.
15. You Can Edit Your Way Out Of Anything
I´ve been talking about editing here and there but I would like to make an honorable mention as I think is THE best skill you can have in order to make better, more engaging, videos online.
When it comes to comedy videos online you and I both know that the competition is tough… so knowing how to properly edit your videos, plan your shots, and make the most out of your material is not a minor thing.
If you master your editing software you can easily make an AWESOME videos out of every situation you can possibly imagine.
There are
16. Go To BuzzFeed
When you are one-team person things are not as easy as when you´re four or five people trying to come up with a nice quality piece of video content.
So, having a place (where there´s a big team of really creative people) where you can steal cool ideas from should be helpful!
You can find a ton of great ideas and inspiration from the BuzzFeed channel.

That video is a good example of how you can use other people to make a video. Although it´s fairly short it made a huge impact as it got more than 8 million views on YouTube.
You can easily see why is so funny just from reading the title.
17. Types Of…
You can make videos on “types”. 🤔
Okay, I know it sounds a bit weird, here´s what I mean by that:
You can make videos on types of parents, types of friends, types of teachers, types of pets, and types of almost anything you can think of, there are lots of great examples you can make a video about.
The interesting thing about videos like these is that they tend to resonate with a lot of people, if you take the time to think of situations that can be common and relatable to a wide audience then you´ll be able to reach more potential viewers.
18. ¡Your Intro Video!
As I´ve said before, the more relatable you are, the more you talk about your hobbies, likes, and the more you share about yourself then the more people will relate to you, trust you, and follow you.
Now, one of the best ways to do just that is by making a cool looking introductory video where you talk about your story and how you end up on YouTube.
In fact, you can make this video not only to entertain people but you can also make it your channel trailer and as a result increase the odds of turning random viewers into new subscribers!
19. Take Advantage Of The Online Community
If you ever run out of ideas, you´ve created a bunch of different videos, you can´t seem to find inspiration then you could try looking for help in online communities.
Whether it is a Facebook Group or a topic-related Forum you can always find answers to your questions from people that´s already been where you are right now.
Here´s an example of someone who also asked for good sketch ideas and got this helpful answer back:

I see that people don´t realize this is FREE and you can take full advantage of it!
So, make sure to use this untapped source of inspiration and get “out” there.
20. Get Back To The Oldies
You can easily find inspiration in some old (but yet crazy successful) Tv shows or series from way back.
Whether that is on Google or YouTube there is a lot of great content that can give you your next big idea.
This is how many artist find inspiration, or at least that´s what Pablo Picasso meant when he said: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.“
I´m going to talk about HOW you can “steal” others work without being punished by copyright rules.
21. Expectation Vs. Reality
Here´s another great idea that´s been proven to work over and over again on YouTube.
Most of us tend to have great expectations in our minds about something we want but the truth is that this rearly turns into reality, and sometimes it´s pretty disappointing.
You should take advantage of that common feeling by thinking of popular expectations people usually have about something and that are not met but are still pretty damn funny.
The best part?
You can do it about almost any topic you could think it might be interesting for your viewers. Like this:

22. Steal Like An Artist
Last but no least, you should learn to steal like an artist so you don´t get caught and so that you have absolute freedom to create.
Now, to do that I would highly recommend you to read the book “Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austion Kleon where he talks about the freedom that comes with knowing that (as he says) Nothing comes from nothing, there is nothing that is 100% original nor it needs to be.
Here are few great tips I took from the book:
- Create the work you wan to see – Do not dedicate yourself to what you “know” to do, but to what you “want” to do. Write the book you want to read, paint the picture you want to see, start the business you want to manage, run the music you want to hear. Use your own taste as your compass.
- Sometimes less is more – Creativity works if you can take advantage of the resources you have for your reach, although they are scarce. Your brain gets sharper and shows
you paths to combine those resources and can lead you to achieve great things with very little.
I sincerely hope you find this information helpful,
Matt Porta.