Today I´m going to talk about what is a good video backdrop size depending on what you want to accomplish.
There are subtle differences whether you want to convey a more authentic look or simply get the attention of your viewers on you.
That´s why I created this simple guide to help you out, let´s begin!
The Right Backdrop Size
You already know that backdrops are the perfect way to add personality and a particular style to your videos, but now you are wondering what would be the right size for your backdrop.

Whether that you use a seamless paper backdrop or (almost) any other type of backdrop to create a beautiful background for your video this tips will certainly help.
Here´s what you should do:
- Choose your spot. First off, you want to choose a spot of your room or house that will suit your needs, here´s what you should do, find a place that you may think it´ll work, usually you´ll 3 feet of distance (minimum) from the background, place your camera, and stand in front of it, record yourself as if you were making a video, and watch it. Does the frame look right? Does have enough room for a backdrop? How big is your background?
- Measure things properly. Once you´ve chosen the perfect spot to record your videos now it´s time to measure. Here´s how: you have to measure both your room and yourself. Measure the height, which is most of the time more than enough for you to hang a backdrop, but focus on width. This can be done by stretching both arms to the side and recording a short clip to see how does the framing looks. See if it works, if not, try a different placement for your camera, adjust the zoom (if possible), and/or move. Repeat until you find the right spot.
- Select a backdrop. Now that you know where you´re going to place everything and what are the exact measures you need to cover to make a cool background for your next video it´s time to select a backdrop. So, keep reading!
Backdrop Size Options
Okay now, getting to the important part.
I´ve summarized what are the most popular and therefore used backdrops in the market, both by photographers and videographers.
Probably the smallest option size you have that you can start with if you are going to shoot a talking head type of video is 3.5 x 3.5.
It is a decent size for many things, whether that is recording a talking head video or maybe even a product or any sort of small object.
The main advantage it has is that you can probably use it (almost) anywhere you want, if you have a good light source.
The second option you have is a 5 to 6-foot wide by 6 to 8-foot long, which is a great way to get head talking videos as well as showing more of YOU, but still get a manageable backdrop size that requires minimal space to set up.
A good size of backdrop if you want to be able to get your chest, shoulders, and head into your frame.
Last but not least, and probably the most professional type of backdrop due to its versatility is a 7 to 9-foot wide to 10 to 16-foot long backdrop size.

You´ll be able to shoot almost any type of video you want, full body or any part of your body can be framed properly.
And if you want to ever worry about focal length or any other nuance that might affect your videos then THIS is the right backdrop to choose.
Of course, there are things like (as I mentioned) lenses and the camera itself that you have to consider in order to get the right shot, but I´m going to talk about that in a second, so keep reading.
Where to Buy?
Well, there are many options you can go with, Amazon has a wide variety of sellers that have great backdrops to offer if you are in a budget.
…if you are looking for a high-quality backdrop, different colors and designs to choose from on (almost) any size you can imagine then I would suggest you go with Savage Universal or Backdrop Express.
They both have great options to choose from, although it can be a bit more expensive, nevertheless you can choose a seamless paper to start with if you don´t want to spend too much but still get that quality background fr your video.
Focal Length Mastery
Another important factor that most people don´t even consider when purchasing a backdrop is focal length.
Yep, whether you have a DSLR or phone to shoot your videos you MUST consider focal length.

As you can see from the picture above it makes a huge difference what type of lens you use to create your video.
Here´s another graphic that can help you undestand how does focal length affect how much of your background is actually captured by the camera depending on the lens you use.

So, what you should do if you want to be able to capture the right “amount” of your backdrop so that you don´t have to worry about going out of frame.
Let me tell you:
You choose the lens that is closest to how the human eye perceives images, that is a 50mm on a full-frame camera or a 35mm on a crop-frame.
That way you´ll be able to recognize for yourself whether you can pick this or that backdrop with your own two eyes.
Plus! both of those lenses are particularly cheap, compared to other types.
So, they make a great choice if you are getting started with video shooting.
The best part?
If you choose a prime lens you´ll get that good-looking depth of field most videographers want on their shots in order to get more attention for the subject instead of the background.
Your Space Matters
Finally, let´s dive deep into your location.

As I´ve already covered, you have to consider the space you are in and try different spots from where you can shoot your video.
Keep in mind that both focal length and the size of your backdrop will affect how much distance you´ll to put between you and the camera.
For example, if you want to shoot yourself from the waist up and you are using a 50mm lens you´ll have to stand (at least) 10 feet away from the camera and it´s likely that you´ll not need a very wide backdrop.
Now, if you use a 24mm lens because you don´t much space to shoot but you still want to show more than your face on camera you won´t need a really big space but you´ll have to invest in a bigger backdrop as this type of lens has a wider angle.
Here´s a few tips that´ll help you decide how to choose the right spot:
- If the room you are going to shoot your video in is really tiny or doesn´t have enough space for you to set up your backdrop the way you want then consider using the corners. Sometimes if you move your camera to the corner of the room and you set your backdrop on the opposite side you´ll get a bit more space in order to make your shot look perfect. More so if your room is rectangular.
- Try out different spots, you´ll never how good or bad it may look once you´ve tried it. Place your camera in front of you and put the backdrop behind you, then record for about 10 to 15 seconds, do that just to see if the focal length, natural light, available space, fit your needs.
- Last but certainly not least, consider shooting close-ups. One of the main problems people encounter when shooting a video is that they don´t have enough space, the right lens, or a better camera, but the truth is that ALL of that can be easily solved by getting closer to the camera, getting rid of the space issue as well as focal length and make people forget about your backdrop as it´ll get less space inside your frame.
So, as you see, your space, focal length, and the backdrop you use matter, but most people discover this once they start to buy some of the gear they´ll use or even consider where they´ll place themselves when shooting.
That´s why I´ve covered all three points that you have to take into consideration to make the most out of your backdrop, your gear, and your location.
Related Questions
What is a good backdrop size for an event? The short answer is that it depends. It depends on how many people are going to be in the shot and how much space you actually have to put your backdrop on. Take another look to the picture above and see for yourself what would be the right backdrop size.
What is the standard backdrop size? You can find, at least, 4 different standard sizes 26″ x 12 yards, 53″ x 12 yards, 107″ x 12 yards, 107″ x 50 yards, depending on what you want to do. There is no ONE single backdrop that can fit all of your needs, but, to tell you the truth, the bigger the better. That way you won´t have to worry about the exact size you need when it comes to backdrops if you can go a little bit bigger then go for it!