When Did Vlogging Got Started?

When and how did vlogging start? What was a vlog when there was no YouTube? Well…

The first thing to keep in mind is that the word itself, “Vlog” comes from the contraction of video and blog. So the reality of its beginnings comes from how Blogs started to grow on the Internet.

A video is possibly (in today’s globalized world) the ultimate way of connecting people. So, it´s no wonder that nowadays people are watching 1 billion hours per day on YouTube!

Vlogging is a form of expression, nothing more nothing less, but why and how did vlogging start with a blog first, that is the real question.

Basically, blogs came out first and led eventually to video format on the internet. Allowing people to find a better way to deliver content across the globe with much ease. That started to evolved until it reached its maximum peak when YouTube was founded back in 2005.

Video Blogs: The Firsts Steps

Blogs were the first thing that revolutionized the way people could get to connect with each other and find out the necessary information they were looking for with a few clicks of the mouse. And that was just the beginning of it all.

Transmitting data from the respective server to your computer took a few seconds if not a couple minutes back then. So, even thinking about loading a video was a long shot that did not have the necessary tools to grow and get to where it is today.

Video blogging started because of the improvement of technology. Not only cameras became better, precise, with good quality resolution, but the internet was expanding at an incredible rate, like anything we´ve ever seen before in fact.

When the amount and velocity of data being transmitted start to evolve and got faster and faster people realized that it was time to upload videos and connect that way with each other.

In January 2000 we started to see the first videos were uploaded on different blogs across the globe, whether was to deliver content through this type of digital form or just to film themselves and try it out, the thing is that this mere act was what got everything started.

In fact, Adam Kontras was one of the first occasional bloggers to try this and uploaded what it finally was going to be the longest running video in the world.

Why Vlogging Became so Popular?

From 2012 to 2017 the number of digital video viewers increased at a stunning rate, going from 380 million to more than 800 in a matter of years. The number of hours that are spent on video watching is simply astronomical.

The power that seeing something has, instead of reading about it, is so big that it is slowly replacing Cable Tv for YouTube channels and Netflix. It is amazing.

Vlogging itself became really popular when YouTube was founded in February of 2005. At least that´s when the real “boom” in numbers began for upcoming vloggers.

The YouTube platform allowed people from all over the world to start broadcasting their lives, hobbies, careers, knowledge, and practically anything they were willing to share with just a camera and some time available.

It is Creativity on the Go!

Where else on the internet do you get to make whatever you like? YouTube is host to every kind of video on the planet, from cookery to comedy and all the way back again. You can get serious, or let your freak flag fly. It’s all welcomed with open arms.

As long as it’s in video format, YouTube is the place for you, and because the site is so massive, there’s always a community of people that are into the same things you are.

It is Social

As much as you try to avoid it, the notorious YouTube comment section is part of the vlogging experience (unless you disable it).

However, don’t be scared of mean comments! While there are a few people out there with nothing better to do than drag others down, the overwhelming majority of commenters are as friendly as can be.

The YouTube community is a supportive, positive place – make an effort to get to know fellow YouTubers and you’ll soon make online pals.

The YouTube Paradigm

Although Vlogs saw an early starting point on 2004 with broadcasts like Rocketboom or other similar shows like this they did not have a big platform where people could locate them unless it was through their own efforts to market themselves.

At a time when internet speeds were increasing in a lot of homes, becoming the high-speed broadband we now know, the world was poised for a revolution of the streamable video. YouTube was at the forefront of this, and by the end of 2006, it had been acquired by tech giant Google.

But it was on 2005, when YouTube appeared in the scene, founded by three former PayPal employees, and became one of the first social websites, which allowed users to upload video clips to the web, that things “cracked”.

The video service made a perfect partner for some of Google’s existing projects, most notably AdSense, which matches videos to targeted advertising.

In fact, the LonelyGirl15 Vlog was one inflection point where everything started to snowballing little by little.

This girl spoke directly to the camera and in an intimate way narrated about her life. (in fact, later on, was discovered to be a commercial intent from a talent agency who orchestrated everything)

Nonetheless, this helped people to see that this format worked! It got the attention of a huge audience and led to many YouTubers trying to imitate the same type of videos, that Vlogging stuff.

Smartphones Changed Everything!

The combination of YouTube and Smartphones was a total hit!

There is no other way today that is more practical, and more powerful than taking out your phone and start filming yourself while you are going about your life and chores.

The truth is that the combination of practicality that the YouTube platform and the camera from your phone give you doesn´t allow any sort of excuse to happen if you are really interested in entering the YouTube world.

Smartphones nowadays have cameras incorporated into them that are more precise and have a better definition than some digital cameras had not so long ago. That is simply awesome.

The Vlogging Revolution

Mobile devices made of Vlogging a way of life, not only a great income source. Mobile video watch time has increased more than 300% over the last couple of years alone. Think about how it is going to be in the near future.

The rise of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat, combined with the huge advance in technology devices, and the fact that people are getting used to video consumption is only going to increase more and more with time.

Marketing agencies, influencers from all over the globe, internet marketers, bloggers, everybody is moving towards video making, it is the ultimate resource if you want to take things to the next level. No matter what topic or niche are we talking about, video can certainly help.

And Vlogging particularly is the new reality show of today’s world, and it is not slowing down at all. Keep that in mind if you were wondering if it´s a good time or not to film your cat playing with your socks.

Vlogging came here to stay and it is a great opportunity for you to take advantage of.

Become a Pro Vlogger

So, you want to be a vlogger? Here’show to get started filming and editing, and become a part of the YouTube community.

Filming your first vlog and putting it online may seem daunting, to begin with. After all, you might feel slightly silly turning on your camera or webcam for the first time and talking to yourself.

That’s why before you start posting you need to learn a few skills to help you on the way, from developing a clear idea about what kind of channel you want to create, to the ability to write a good script and shot list. 

Step-by-step tutorials I made in several posts throughout this Blog will guide you through everything you need to know to get up and going with your vlog.

But here are some essential tips to keep in mind and get started with the right foot!

  • Do a good research and find out everything about the niche or topic you want to talk about in your channel. How is the competition, how much do you know about it, how can you structure your videos, etc.
  • Always introduce yourself and be passionate and energetic about your topic, you NEED to love what you are talking about because the camera does not lie, got it?
  • Stand out from the crowd by being yourself, try to “put yourself” into every video you make. Maybe is the way you talk, or joke about, or how to interact with your audience.
  • Post regularly and start building an audience, a community. Making playlist or videos that are related to each other is a good idea for people to realize what is your channel all about.
  • And finally, put in some practice, speak clearly, and watch your language in every video.


Take into consideration that if you are interested in Vlogging or you are already in motion, the most important thing should always be your passion, hobby, or craft, the real interest and effort that you put into the quality of your videos, whether is the information you deliver or maybe is just because they are very entertaining to watch.

The hard fact is that Vlogging is a competitive niche in itself, so try to make the best out of it, document, edit and improve!

Hope this information was helpful! Have a great one!

Matias Porta

Web developer and YouTuber. I run a few different sites that provide value to lots of different people and I´m currently making videos for my third YouTube channel, which is why I decided to create this site to share some of my best tips.

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