In this post, I´m going to talk about some YouTube channel ideas for guys that will surely work for, at least, some of you.
Although each of these channel ideas deserves their own article I´m going to do a quick review on each one of them so that you get a better notion of what to expect and, hopefully, help you decide.
Let´s get started!
1. Cars & Motorcycles
Yup, lots of fans out there, right?
You´ll never run out of interested viewers who love to talk about their rides, whether that is a car or a bike.
You can easily combine entertainment and education on your channel and have lots of fun with it.
Just keep in mind that the quality of your content (more so than the number of videos you put out) will determine your success as it is a pretty competitive niche to be in.
There are some great YouTubers making a killing:

Or like:

Both are great content creators that make super useful and entertaining videos that people actually want to watch.
So, if you happen to work as a mechanic or you simply want to learn more about the ins and outs of fixing your car/bike or maybe you want to “pimp” your ride then think about starting a YouTube channel to share your journey.
Plus, there are great ways to monetize a channel like this, whether you choose to do affiliate marketing, sell a digital product, or simply search for video sponsors, you can (easily) make a full-time living once you´ve grown a large enough audience.
2. Fitness Life
A highly-profitable market you can step into if you are a fitness fanatic or you simply feel happy sharing some of your tips and tricks on how to stay healthy and get the best out of your workouts.
Leading a fitness life is crucial for a balanced lifestyle, and that applies both to men and women, but the truth is that guys are becoming more and more obsessed about their physics, that´s why you´ll find huge channels like Athlean-X that have built a massive following by making helpful videos on workout routines and dieting.

I mean, 8.3 million followers, what a huge market demand!
Although you´ll find strong competitors within the fitness industry YouTube still is a great way to go as there are many opportunities for those willing to share their own journey and passion for fitness.
You can choose to focus on the nutritional side of things or talk about your workout routines, maybe share some of your past failures, whatever you think can work on your favor on the long run to build a strong bond with your viewers on the long run.
Within the fitness lifestyle market, there are sub-niches that can be very interesting to make a channel about.
One example of this is Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding has grown so much that it is now a billion-dollar industry that incorporates the enormous market of nutritional supplements.
So, no wonder there are many fitness junkies that put a lot of working on making great content online to capture the attention of a wider audience.

There are many examples of channels and videos like this on YouTube, so make sure to look them up if you are interested in becoming a bodybuilder influencer.
3. Manliness
Hell yeah!
All things manliness can be such a good idea if you are willing to put in the work to generate enough content in order to serve a large audience.
The best part of this type of channel is that there are SO many topics and interesting things you can talk about that are extremely popular.
That´s how channels like Art Of Manliness surpassed a million subscribers and is still growing quite rapidly.
He makes videos that cover all sort of things, from how to develop a manly voice to how to grill steak and everything in between.
Most men don´t talk about these things enough and creating a helpful resource like this can earn you a ton of money if you a good job at it.
That being said, there is one drawback you have to be careful about and that is to keep your videos around manliness alone as it will help your viewers rely on your channel as a great source of content and will also make your brand stand out.
4. Niching Down

Yup, there are beard-related channels out there, believe it or not.
And, although you can be the next best beard-related YouTube channel that´s known for helping guys to grow and maintain a healthy beard you can also do other things.
The beard niche is bigger than you think but the purpose of talking about it is to give you an idea of what other possibilities there might be out there.
Niching down into specific aspects of beauty, fashion, and manliness can be a great marketing strategy for you to stand out from the crowd as a newer content creator on YouTube.
We all know is only going to get tougher as more and more people get into video making so why not rely on the fact that you are the ONLY one speaking solely about beards, or mustaches, or whatever specific topic that you want to talk about.
You can always expand later, it is, like I said, a marketing strategy, a way to be found, get discovered, get your personal brand out of the ground and get started.
5. Relationships
Great and sort of an untapped topic when it comes to men, specifically.
There are channels like RSDMax or RSDTyler who make videos giving dating advice and help guys to approach girls on the street or speak to someone they like, and sorts of that nature.
On the other hand, you can find channels that focus on the relationship side of things like Corey Wayne videos, which are kind of long but they are very authentic and down to earth.
By providing good tips and insights you´ll be able to quickly grow as a content creator as this is an evergreen market that will ALWAYS have the need to learn more.
People struggle with relationships, courtship, being confident, and things like these, especially men.
The best part?
You´ll be able to quickly monetize a channel like this while still having a ton of fun teaching others about relationships and dating.
Those three channels I´ve mentioned earlier have their own digital products to offer to their audience, and they are making a lot of money by providing some of their best tips and advice to other men.
6. Man´s Health
Men are becoming more and more concerned with health and beauty related topics as they don´t have to worry as much to be judged in this 21st century.
Also, it is even starting to be seen as a really GOOD thing, a man that takes care of himself, that knows how to groom, eats the right kinds of foods, goes to the gym, so on and so forth, makes a great match.
So, it is not only a really profitable niche to be in but it´s also a relatively new type of content you can start working on.
There´s not a ton of content or great channels that have done this, although the ones who did are experiencing massive growth and success.
YouTubers like Alpha M or TeachingMenFashion are just the tip of the iceberg as there are more and more people that want a piece of the cake too!

Creating content that focuses ONLY on men can be such a good idea if you are interested in becoming part of the health industry on YouTube as it is a great way to direct your efforts and make your brand a little bit more recognizable.
7. Fashion
Another BIG underserved topic most men nowadays would like to learn more about.
Now, there already are a few channels that make a great job at delivering awesome fashion-related content to their fans there aren´t too many YouTubers that are focusing solely on men apparel.
That´s why I think that if fashion is something that you are interested in then consider starting out making content around it.
It´s not only a very profitable market to be in but also a good stepping stone to build a big channel around as you grow your fanbase.
Both Alpha M and TeachingMenFashion, who I just talked to you about, also make cool-looking videos about fashion and get (literally) millions of views doing it.
So, if bodybuilding, fitness, and/or health is not your thing then consider fashion!
8. Sports
Another great example of a big market you can get into if you are a sports fan.
I mean, imagine earning a full-time living from the comfort of your couch talking all about sports!
Now, this doesn´t mean it would be an easy task to handle, there´s some strong competition out there.
However, there is also a lot of room for brand new YouTube channels that want also want a piece of the pie.

One thing that you could easily do is, as I always like to recommend, niche down, focus on just one sport, more so in the beginning than ever.
Then, once you´ve grown enough and have a loyal following among your viewers you can start uploading videos talking about other sports or disciplines.
9. Hair Loss
Oh yes, a common problem amongst many.
Now, although lucrative as it can be the health niche is a very competitive market to be in, luckily, it´s HUGE.
That´s why niching down by addressing a specific topic or issue, like when I talked to you about BeardTube, it might be a really good idea.
Hair loss is a great topic to cover or talk about as there are way too many guys out there that deal with this on a daily basis.
The YouTube market offers keyword opportunities such as “Hair Loss Prevention For Men” or “Treatment For Hair Growth” and many more that don´t have really strong competitors that solely talk about hair growth and hair recovery.
Just take a look:

You can see that the very first video is from DoctorOz but is really short, the sconed position is from a small channel and the third one is from a channel that offers a ton of value and comes from a real person struggling with the same problem.
As well as with the BeardTube guy this niche NEEDS a channel that goes deep into the problems and questions guys have when it comes to baldness.
10. Gaming
Well, there´s not much that I can tell that you haven´t heard before, gaming is a great yet competitive niche to be in.
It´s a fun, large, and committed market that can make you tons of money if you take the time to learn how to properly monetize it.
However, in order to succeed as a gaming YouTuber, you NEED to apply some sort of marketing strategy, especially when you are getting started.
Here´s what you should do:
- Start attacking long-tail keywords, meaning, specific searches that nobody else is taking the time to properly answer on YouTube. Here´s a great example of a long-tail specific search you can tackle:

Now, this is just a mere example of a long-tail keyword you can make a video about, I mean, the first video is quite simple and short, you can easily make something better that provides more value to the viewer and rank within the first positions on YouTube.
The goal is that you find underserved searches like these and start creating great content around them.
- The second step you must take is repeating the first step, at least, 10 times in order to get some traction, views, and subs coming in on a monthly basis.
- Finally, work on your branding, think about the name for your channel, have a channel trailer, create playlists, build a website, work on your fonts, images, colors, and thumbnails. Basically, anything that can make you recognizable within YouTube so that people can easily remember you by and find you whenever they want.
11. Online Money Making
If there´s ONE thing most men are usually obsessed with at some point in their lives is money!
You can rest assured that if you make a good job at teaching others how to make more money, especially without ever leaving their homes, you´ll have a large and committed fanbase of followers that will be waiting for updates and new videos every single week.
Online money making is a thriving market and one that pays really well if you know what you are doing.
Now, bear in mind that the success or failure of your YouTube channel will depend on the effectiveness you show at (actually) making money through online means.
Whether that refers to blogging, monetizing a YouTube channel, becoming a successful CPA advertiser, showing others how to sell on the internet, so on and so forth, it doesn´t really matter as long as you are able to cash in.
In addition to that, if you are transparent about your strategies and marketing efforts you´ll build trust with your fans and your subscriber count will NEVER stop growing.