In this post, I´m going to talk about some YouTube channel ideas for introverts that can help you decide what type of channel you want to create.
Now, although there are many things you should consider before starting out a YouTube channel, thinking about the content and the main topic you want to cover is one of your very first steps.
So, let´s dive right in!
1. Art Channel
Within the art niche, you´ll find plenty of great options to choose from.
Whether you like drawing, painting, music, dancing, or whatever it is your thing, you can rest assured that art channels work great on YouTube.
Not only because they often combine both teaching and entertainment but also because there are a ton of untapped opportunities for new artists to get in.
As most artists don´t know much about video marketing, SEO, or any other sort of strategy you can easily take advantage of it and grow a YouTube channel that can stand out from the crowd quite rapidly.
That is what some of the biggest names actually do:

On this site, you´ll find all sorts of strategies that can help you grow on YouTube, so feel free to check them out!
Now, within the art space, there´s one particular field that has a lot of growth potential if you are interested: Animations!
If you like to draw and make funny characters or you´d love to learn how to do it then consider animations.
There are great channels such as Domics or Draw With Jazza to get some inspiration from on what´s possible on YouTube.
For example, in the case of Domics, he´s a Canadian animator that uses Adobe Flash and his tablet to make and animate cool-looking super funny cartoons that entertain millions of people and earn him much more than the average full-time salary.
Check out one of his videos:
You can also get into more simple but none-the-less hardworking tasks such as doing book summaries and animating your video through software like Videoscribe.
The point being animations rock on YouTube, no matter the shape or form, so go for it. Period.
2. Podcasting
This is another great way to build a wide fanbase and build a relationship with your viewers.
You won´t need to stand in front of a camera although you could simply use it as a compliment so that people are able to see you, not just hear you, without directly speaking to it or even paying to much attention.
That´s what Joe Rogan has done and it worked really well:

By conducting great interviews he has been able to build a large audience of followers that don´t miss out a single piece of content he makes.
The key difference with a “normal” YouTube video is that the video itself doesn´t matter as much, it works just as an added bonus.
What that does for you is take off some of the pressure that comes with performing in front of the camera and speaking directly to the lens as if it was a person.
Plus, this will help you to focus that much more on the content itself, which is what really matters when it comes to succeeding on YouTube.
3. Screencast Tutorials
As long as you make them useful and to the point you can hit a few home run videos that will get your channel some noticeability right from the get-go.
Screencasting is easy and making tutorials can be too, therefore, you don´t need to spend a lot of time and effort to create great videos that can rank high on YouTube.
One example of this is freeCodeCamp.org, where experienced programmers make tons of helpful screencast tutorials mainly for beginners who want to get into programming.

They don´t need to put a ton of video production into this or script out every single word they say, they simply provide value through the knowledge that they´ve accumulated throughout the years by showing you HOW to do it yourself on a screencast video.
The secret is to find the right niche where screencasting can be the best way to show people how to do something in order to make your channel a really helpful resource.
4. Book Reviews & Summaries
You´ve probably seen these kinds of videos out there, and so did many other people!
Doing book reviews and summaries can be such a great way for those who really like to read and learn new things while making some extra cash by uploading their notes and insights on any given book in the form of a simple video.
If you like to read then consider this channel idea as it is a great way to make useful videos for those who don´t have the time for it!
There are lots of examples of YouTube successes that have done this, I would recommend you to watch some the videos FightMediocrity has done or OnePercentBetter.
5. Compilations (Without Making Videos)
Yup, you can make compilation videos without actually making videos yourself!
You´ll simply use videos that have a license to be reused by other content creators and you´ll get them not only from YouTube but other sources online too.
There are some things you should know before even considering this option but, the truth is that it´s a great way to start out on YouTube if you don´t own any sort of expensive gear to start shooting or don´t want to learn how to properly record yourself.
Believe or not, there are channels that make (literally) thousands of dollars making videos like this, whether that is through Adsense and/or Affiliate Marketing.
For example, you can check out The Future Is Now:

I mean, just by seeing how many views that video alone got you can imagine how much money they´ve made, right?
The best part?
They make those videos by using featured video content on Amazon by the manufacturers themselves without copyright infringement as the vendor WANTS the product to be promoted.
So, if you want to learn more about this then you can check out this post: YouTube Compilation Videos Without Copyright.
6. Life Hacking How-Tos
People LOVE to learn tricks, shortcuts, and hacks that can make their lives easier in any sort of way.
That is why life hacks and tips work so well on YouTube and can be a great way for you to get started with your own channel.
The best part?
You can just use your phone´s camera and your hands to start showing people how to stuff!
Like 5-Minute Crafts does:
There´s surely demand for this kind of content, I mean, almost 20 million views in one video.
Just find the right place to film on or use a small backdrop you can place things you are going to work with on and start making videos.
Now, one thing you have to learn more about is using the proper lighting in order to make your video clips look sharp as you´ll probably zoom in and out to show people exactly how to things and have a cleared out workplace, therefore a backdrop makes a great investment.
7. Recipe Cooking
There are so many channels that have found great success by simply sharing recipes and teaching others how to make them.
You will only need your hands and a flat clean surface to work with and you´ll be ready to go!
Plus, it makes a great YouTube channel idea because there are tons of recipe ideas you can try so that you never run out of video content.
Just imagine how many videos you could make if you´d take the time to make a video every time you prepare a meal.
It can be a fun way to start out on YouTube, help others, make useful content, and get paid for it.
8. Motivational
If you don´t want to be on camera but you still want to make great content that people will actually LOVE to see then this could be a great way to go.
Motivational/inspirational videos are a hit on YouTube, people really like and get a ton of value from these types of videos as it is a way to get themselves into the right kind of mood.
If there´s one thing that makes videos go viral is the fact that viral content tends to provoke an emotional response in the viewer, whether that is laughter, joy, sadness, or get them inspired, it is a MUST in pretty much any viral video you see.
Content that gets people to laugh or feel a certain way gets shared, liked, and commented on, therefore the algorithm interprets this as high-engaging content, and it promotes that video that much more.
So, creating a motivational kind of channel can work really well if you know what you are doing.
Plus, you won´t have to be on camera, you can simply use b-roll footage and compile different styles of videos in order to make your message get through.
In addition to that, you can even use some of the techniques I´ve described in my post about compilation videos so that your editing takes your content to the very next level.
A great example to look at is Be Inspired:

Yup, more than 5 million subs from doing good compilation videos, not even a voice-over to listen to, both audio and video from other people by properly using the power of good editing techniques.
People won´t get tired of seeing and listening to great content that helps them get through difficult times, as there are always going to be difficult times.
Here´s one of his most popular videos on YouTube:
9. Interviews
You don´t need to be the main character or subject on the scene, you can be the one that pulls the strings but doesn´t even appear on camera.
Interviews are a great way to make really good content without ever having to stand in front of the lens.
There are great examples of this, like what WIRED does:

They don´t just ask celebrities to answer some of the most Googled questions people ask about them, they also make great videos with common people explaining interesting concepts and many other things.
These are videos with (literally) millions of views and have nothing to do with YOU as the creator.
You can simply write a script of questions, or maybe even an idea for an interesting video, and stand out of the scene by taking charge of the entire production process.
You´ll find tons of examples like WIRED that make great creative work, channels like Iris or Vanity Fair can also work as other sources of inspiration if you are interested.
In addition to this, you can combine podcasting with interviewing, like the Joe Rogan example I´ve previously mentioned, which is (probably) one of the easiest ways to create content on a massive scale without ever having to come up with original ideas, write a full script or worry about the camera, as long as it works.
10. Anything Reviews
You can start a YouTube channel where you review specific products, such as camera gear, tech, toys, or whatever you want, as long as it provides actual value to the viewer in order to make a purchase decision.
In fact.
The main difference that makes some channel get to the top and way too many other channels not being discovered is that they spend a lot of time doing proper research and delivering tons of value in each and every video.
That is why guys like Parker Walbeck succeed in such a competitive industry like camera gear:
Now, you don´t even need to be in front of the camera to make a great review on an item, you can easily achieve the same quality video without ever showing your face.
You can make something similar as to what you´ve seen on compilation videos and narrate what are some of the pros and cons of every item you choose to make a review about.
11. Produce Comedy Skits
You probably know by now that comedy skits are a success on YouTube and that most people come to the platform for entertainment more so than learning something new, right?
Well, the truth is that music is the first thing on people´s minds when they get to YouTube, but the second-best thing they usually think of is being entertained.
That´s why comedy works really well on YouTube if you take the time to make something good, I mean, something funny.
You can pretty much be the producer for ANY type of YouTube channel you want if you think about it.
If you are comfortable at writing the scripts, doing the research, thinking about the shots, and learning how to properly use camera gear then consider yourself a YouTuber, even if you are not the one that stands in front of the camera.
There are many examples out there where the actual work is done behind the scenes, not on the spotlight.
It´s Your Turn!
Now that you have a list of ideas that can work as great YouTube channels you can start taking action right away.
As you´ve seen there´s still a lot of untapped potential for new content creators so be mindful when choosing your channel´s niche.
I hope this information has helped you decide what type of YouTube videos you want to make.
Have a nice one!
Matt Porta.